3 Ways to Show Your Teeth You Appreciate Them This Thanksgiving

November 10, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dooley @ 8:57 pm
Cartoon tooth holding a sign that says, “thank you.”

When you bite into a leg of turkey, a piece of pie, or a spoonful of stuffing, you might not take the time to appreciate the teeth that let you do that. However, the holiday season is all about being thankful for things we often take for granted. You should try showing your gratitude for your teeth, and the best way to do that is by preventing oral health problems. Here are a couple of things you can try.

Stay Hydrated

This is always good advice, but even more so during Thanksgiving festivities. People often wind up drinking a bit more when they’re around family, which can be dehydrating. That causes problems for your oral health when it starts to affect your production of saliva. This is ordinarily how your body carries away food particles to prevent bacteria from feasting on them. In this way, decreased saliva production puts you at a higher risk of gum disease.

On the other hand, drinking lots of water can sweep away even more of these small particles. If you’re having lots of sticky or sweet foods, keep a glass of water at your side to help you wash it down!

Be Careful of Bones

We all love a good turkey leg, but being overzealous when you eat can mean trouble. Chicken and turkey bones are some of the leading causes of chipped and cracked teeth. While you may not want to let even a shred of meat go to waste, gnawing on the bone is a bad idea. Instead, use a knife and fork (or your hands) to tear off the last little bits of turkey. After all, it only takes one slip-up to chip an incisor.

Avoid Foods that Stain Your Teeth

While yellow teeth aren’t a health problem in themselves, most people prefer to have as white a smile as possible. That means you’ll have to watch out for foods and drinks that can leave stains behind. Typically these are dark and acidic foods that can erode away the top layer of enamel, allowing them to penetrate further than they could otherwise. Here are some foods to watch out for this Thanksgiving:

  • Red Wine
  • Cranberry Sauce
  • Balsamic Vinegar
  • Coffee
  • Berry pies

Of course, the most important thing is to keep your teeth clean this Thanksgiving. Pack a travel dental hygiene kit, and be sure to brush after meals. Just that should be enough to show your teeth that you appreciate them.

About the Author

For four decades, Dr. Edward J. Dooley has offered the people of Spring Lake, NJ the quality of care they deserve. He takes the time to get to know each patient individually so that he can offer the treatment they need most. Dr. Dooley graduated from the University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine and served his country as a Naval Dental Officer. If you have any questions about taking care of your teeth this Thanksgiving, he can be reached at his website or by phone at (732) 974-2288.

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