Turkey, Pie, and Healthy Teeth: Finding Gratitude This Thanksgiving

November 22, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — dooley @ 9:32 pm
A family enjoying Thanksgiving Dinner with great oral health

Thanksgiving is here once again and with it, all the trappings of food, friends, and fellowship. One thing often missing from the equation, however, is the importance of your oral health. Your pearly whites allow you to savor your food, socialize, and smile your best. Shouldn’t that be worthy of some thanks?

If you want to show your teeth some appreciation this holiday season, continue reading. You’ll find the best ways to care for your teeth while you’re chowing down.

Be Mindful of Your Food Choices

It can be easy to load your plate up with loads of food from every corner of the table. However, you should stop and think about your teeth every now and then. What are you putting them through as you bite into that slice of pecan pie? What about when you drink your second glass of wine?

Sticky, crunchy, and acidic foods will wear down your enamel over time and cause bacterial plaque to form. This plaque is what causes cavities over time as the acid it produces eats through your enamel. This doesn’t happen quickly, but it can sneak up on you if it’s ignored.

Drink Plenty of Water

To help deal with plaque and keep saliva flowing, be sure to set out glasses of water for everyone. Water helps to break up and wash away plaque and acid on your teeth. It also stimulates your salivary glands, supplying your mouth with cavity-fighting fluids. Staying hydrated is one of the best ways to improve your overall oral health.

Floss More Often

Toss the toothpicks and break out the floss. With a good, gentle technique, floss is far more effective at removing stubborn food between your teeth. It’s also better for your enamel and your gums as it avoids unnecessary aggravation. When not at the dinner table, continue flossing daily to hold cavities at bay and keep your breath fresh.

Recommit to Your Oral Care Routine

If you really want to show your teeth some appreciation, continue perfecting your oral health routine. Brushing twice a day; once in the morning, and once before bed, will keep your teeth happy and healthy. Be sure that you’re spending at least two minutes brushing and attending to each tooth.

After Thanksgiving is over, consider making an appointment with your dentist. They can give you a thorough oral health examination to ensure that your sweet tooth didn’t cost you a cavity. Even after the holidays, continue showing your teeth appreciation by keeping them healthy all year round.

About the Author

Dr. Edward J. Dooley has been practicing dentistry for nearly 40 years. After all that time, his favorite part of the job is still getting to know his patients and helping them achieve better smiles. Dr. Dooley earned his dental doctorate at the University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine. Since then he has made a great effort to stay up-to-date on all the latest dental technology and techniques through continuing education. To schedule an appointment at Dooley Dental: Edward J Dooley DMD, call (732) 974-2288 or visit the website to explore other services.

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